Sunday, December 18, 2011

3 More Days

We are excited that we are heading to NC in just 3 days!!  We are ready for some extended time with family and friends over the next two weeks.  Just wanted to do a quick blog update on what we have been up to this past week or so.  ENJOY!

Last Sunday we had great weather here in Murfreesboro for the Christmas Parade.  Grace was so excited and was asking about going from the minute she got up that morning.  

While walking to the parade we saw Snowbird and he took Grace on his float for a photo!

Anxiously waiting for the parade to start

Here is comes!

We saw a lot of firetrucks!

Grace got tired of all the sirens

One of the many politicians giving out candy

She got more candy at the parade than she got at Halloween

One of the many floats being pulled by a tractor

 I think I see Santa!

 Yes these people were working out on the back of a float

Taking a rest on the curb


 A great end to the parade with the mounted police

Grace has really started showing interest in lipstick, nail polish and jewelry.  The other night she asked me to paint her nails like mine, so she got some red glitter nail polish.  She loved it!

Over the last week Grace has brought home a lot of Christmas themed art, so we decided to hang them all on the door.

Looking cute for her last day of school this year

Boombah has been making a lot of visits to the Northpole.  Friday morning we found him stuck in the blinds.  We are guessing he had trouble finding a way back inside.

Grace got her first gift of the season in the mail and we let her open it early

Joe & Jen...she loved the necklaces!!

She was excited to get her first earrings as well!  She is begging us to change her earrings, but we have a few more weeks to wait.

Friday night we went to a Christmas Party at Crystal & Jame's house.  Grace had so much fun with Kyleigh and the other kids.

Our sweet girl!!

On Saturday Grace helped me bake some treats for Troy's RA staff.  She has such a great time!!

She loved licking the beater

Troy with his staff on Saturday night

This is how we found Boombah this morning.  He was all tangled up in the cord for the blinds.  Too much egg nog?