Saturday, October 20, 2012

Less than 1 week and another update!?!

I know, it's shocking...not even a week since my last blog post!  I have a lot to make up for not posting as often as I used to.  I remember when I would post something daily or at least a few times per week.  My how life has gotten busy!!  Anyway, thought everyone might enjoy a few photos and videos from the week.

One evening this week Grace decided she wanted to make a pile of leaves to jump in.  Fortunately we have a beautiful tree outside our place that was putting down leaves for a few days.  Needless to say, she had plenty to play in.  She played and played and we finally had to make her come inside crying!

This little boy is in her class at school and was leaving for the day with his mom and saw Grace and had to join in.  They were really cute and he left crying too because he did not want to go.

Probably the funniest photo I took...her jumping mid-air!

Another photo in mid-air

Making her pile bigger.

Some of the other pretty fall colors around town

This morning we joined our friend Susanna and her daughter to walk in the JDRF walk.  Meghan was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes just a few years ago and we are happy to support the cause of raising money to help find a cure for this disease. They had all finds of fun things going on in addition to the walk. 

Grace posing with Meghan and some of her friends before the walk

Grace loves Susanna!

Some of the Team Meghan folks during the walk

After the walk we decided to take advantage of early voting.  It is hard to believe that Grace was almost 6 months old the last time we voted in a Presidential election.  I took her in with me and let her press the buttons.  She was excited to get to do that and get her "I Voted" sticker.

I now have the right to complain!! If my candidate cannot get it done!! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Fall Ya'll

Grace's school has been closed the last two days for Fall Break, so Troy and I decided to both take off with her and have a long weekend together.  It has been nice and relaxing, which we really needed, and a lot of fun too.  The highlight was going to the pumpkin farm today.  We took Grace to Lucky Ladd Farm which is where we can gone the last few years.  She loves the place because they don't just have pumpkins.  They have a petting zoo, hayride, huge slides and lots of other outside fun and activities.  Enjoy seeing all our fun from today - HAPPY FALL YA'LL!!

She asked to have her picture taken with the random tin rooster!!  Weird kid!

Time for a hayride

She loved the slides!!

Walking up for another trip down one of the slides

She asked me to seesaw with her...I forgot how fun this was!

In deep discussion with the pig?

"Mommy take a picture of my funny face"

Mommy the sun is in my eyes

What a fun day on the farm!!

I thought I would also share a few pictures from our bike ride around campus on Monday afternoon...

What a beautiful day!