Monday, February 27, 2012

Growing Up Too Fast!

This week our friends Brooke and Tyler had their first child, a little girl named Madelyn.  Holding Madelyn made me remember how tiny Grace was not too long ago.  I have missed that feeling of holding a little nugget and enjoyed my time visiting The Hensons and Madelyn at the hospital but it has made me realize just how quickly Grace is growing up.  Grace will be 4 in just a few months and she reminds us everyday that she is a big girl.  I love that she can take care of herself in many ways, but there are times I wish she needed me more.  Bittersweet!!  Enjoy a few pictures from our adventures over the last week or so.

I have been waiting all winter to dress her in this outfit, but we never got snow!

So tired after school one day this week that she literally fell asleep in my lap before dinner.  She rarely is still long enough for this to happen!

She looks sooo tall in this photo

You can see, sort of, in the photo that she has let us change her earrings again to ladybugs.

Enjoying a 70 degree afternoon at the playground

Me and Madelyn...such a cutie!!

Pigtails for a birthday party on Saturday

This is blurry but Troy got roped in to sliding with all the kids

I forgot my camera and unfortunately my iPhone doesn't take great action shots!

Grace and Olivia, the birthday girl

The kids loved the cupcakes!

The birthday throne

Grace was excited for Olivia to open her present

Later that night we went out for dinner.  Thank God for phone technology so we can enjoy a nice meal!

Every year we have had Grace paint an egg at Easter time at the local pottery place.  We got a jump start on it a little early this year.

Helping daddy with his coffee mug

My coaster

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Superbowl, Trip to NC & Valentine's Day

Well we have have a very eventful few weeks since our last update.  We enjoyed a Superbowl party with friends, a fun weekend in NC to celebrate some birthdays and then a nice Valentine's Day.  Enjoy all the updates and photos here from the last few weeks.

Some of our friends had a little get together for the Superbowl, so we enjoyed some yummy food, football and the kids had a fun time playing together.

Kyleigh, Grace and Autumn all dressed up as Cinderella.  These girls had so much fun playing!

Owen is one of the cutest little boys!!  He had just enjoyed a chocolate cupcake.

Last Wednesday we proud dressed Grace in some Tarheel gear for school as we prepared for the Duke game that evening.  It was such a great game with a very sad loss at the end, but at least Grace was the cutest Tarheel fan around!

We had a great trip to NC this past weekend.  We went to celebrate Allison & Dad's birthdays.  

Ready for the plane to take off!

Entertaining a 3 year old on the plane with an iPad is EASY!!

Friday night we celebrated Allison's Birthday with her favorite dinner and ice cream cake!!

Lucky to have her as my sister-in-law

Grace adores her Aunt Allison


On Saturday me, mom, Allison and Sandy enjoyed an afternoon of shopping for Baby Huntley.  We did not purchase this, but it was so cute and I had to take the photo for my twin Susanna who LOVES monkeys. 

The best chocolate cake in the world!!  Saturday night we went out for a nice dinner at the Capital City Chop House to celebrate dad's 60th birthday.

On Sunday we cooked a yummy lunch in celebration of Dad's 60 years, since it was his actual birthday.  I have wanted to learn how to make country style steak for a long time and my dad is the best at making it.  So I got my lesson and he actually let me make it and walked me through it and it was very yummy!

Awesome cake mom had made

We also made some Valentines on Sunday

Grace got some Valentine presents from granny & papa as well as Aunt Sandy

Since it was his birthday, papa got to open a few presents too!

We had such a great time in NC and hate to leave every time!!


Beautiful flowers from my hubby

Ready for school and her Valentine's party

After several attempts to get a photo with my girl, this was the best one?!?

She is SUCH a daddy's girl!!

We dropped by school to see the kids giving out their Valentines

 She was so excited to give out her cards!

All the Valentine's love waiting at home for us

Excited to open her presents from mommy and daddy

Grace even had a Valentine package from The Clements

At first she thought the foam peanuts were all that was in the box and she would have been perfectly fine with that!!

I love that Troy gets us a cookie cake every year...I LOVE THESE!!

Troy and I got to enjoy a nice dinner date, just the two of us thanks to our favorite babysitter Arbor!!

She is the queen of my heart for sure!!  Ready for Valentine's party #2 at school on Wednesday.

One last photo of our cutie from this morning before school.