Monday, June 10, 2013

MARCHING through the Updates!

A little bit at a is what you missed in March....

She asked to play baseball this spring so of course we had to get prepared.  Papa took us to Dick's and we left with a pink glove and bat.  She was soooo excited!!

From time to time Grace gets my phone and takes some really random photos that I mostly delete.  On this particular day, she took this gem!  Dad and Marshall will probably kill me for posting this, but it is too good to pass up!!

First Baseball Practice...

Grace's school had an Easter program and egg hunt...

 After the school program we went for a quick photo with the Easter Bunny

While at the mall Grace and daddy tried on Easter hats.  So cute!

First baseball game was a COLD one....

Pep talk from the coach

 Huntley was really getting active playing in late March.  Not crawling YET.

My cousin Katie is getting married at the end of June and we had a wedding shower for her the last weekend of March...

Cupcake wedding dress cake that I made for the shower


Easter Bunny came!

Yes she is wearing rain boots!  It was wet!

Huntley tried to hunt eggs too!  

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fun in February!!

Another post to help catch you up....February!!

Dress like a princess day at school.  
She chose to dress like Snow White.

An afternoon alone with Granny means...

ice cream &...

a new build-a-bear.

Grace has been asking to take gymnastics for a while now, so we decided to enroll her in a gymnastics class to see how she would do.  She loved it.  Here is a glimpse from her first class.

Sorry the video is a little fuzzy.  I took it on my phone.

Troy was able to visit in February and we enjoyed taking Grace to the Circus!!

In the door 5 minutes before she spotted the cotton
 candy that came with this insanely weird hat.

Cute photo of Matt & Huntley!

First year she was able to write her own Valentine cards for school.  
She was starting to get sick, but did a great job finishing them up!!

Sick little girl waiting to see the doctor.  She was so 
upset she had to miss her Valentine party at school.

Even though she could not go to school, I still sent the cute treats 
I planned to make.  Grace's friends and teachers made her a bag
 full of treats for when she returned to school.  It made her feel special!


She missed school, but she had to wear a Valentine outfit

Flowers from my sweet hubby

She was so proud of the Valentine she made for mommy!

The two cutest kids on the planet!!

Proud aunt!

Proud grandparents!!
Happy to go back to school the day after Valentine's Day.

Since she was sick, she missed gymnastics class too but fortunately she could make it up.  She was so excited to go on a Saturday!

Grace had a special visitor come watch her in action!

Feeling much better and looking cute for church!